Eco Alternatives to Wrapping Paper


We love to find quick and easy eco friendly alternatives and the Furoshiki
method of cloth wrapping is a perfect example of that!

This Japanese cloth wrapping tecnique is wonderful for using up
old scarves or scraps of material you have around the house.

Wrapping paper is often single use and difficult to recycle or degrade because 
of some of the materials used to make it. This includes glitter or the plastic
lining much wrapping paper utilises.

Cloth on the other hand can be used time and time again.

Other alternatives include re using old brown paper bags or making use of 
old gift boxes or shoe boxes. Old jam jars or tins are great for 
gifting homemade cookies or other goods and 
little cloth tote bags are a fantastic alternative to gift bags
which are also usually lined with pesky plastic!

There are so many ways to get creative with alternative gifting options
that don't require wrapping at all! Why not visit our earlier post
on gifting expereinces instead of material objects?


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